Friday, May 9, 2014

Today I had lunch with my best friend. It’s funny how our lives have intersected and intertwined. When I first met her, we both worked part-time. Later on, I began to work full time and actually became her supervisor...a temporary assignment that lasted for over ten years. When I retired, she to work part-time, so we had many wonderful afternoons together to explore new places and have fun together.
Last spring, I was asked to return to the zoo to fill in for a woman who was having a baby. I was also encouraged to get my best friend to work full time and take on the hours I wasn’t willing to work. I was successful in convincing my friend to work full time…what a very stupid mistake that was, at least for me.  By the time I completed my part-time fill-in job, my best friend had come to the conclusion it would be to her benefit financially if she were to continue to work full-time for the next four years until she, too, could retire.
So, here we are with our situations reversed…she’s working full-time and I’m not. In addition to working full time she takes care of her 92 year old mother (grocery shopping, etc.), has three grandbabies and helps with her husband’s business. Initially, I was desolate, thinking that she would never find time for me because her job and family would take up all her time. But, we’ve made it a point to have lunch, dinner or a glass of wine at least once a week since I stopped working.
And, to be perfectly honest, it is rather nice to watch the way she has grown/is growing into her full-time position. As her supervisor, I always knew she was capable of a workload way beyond her job description. Now, she has two bosses and way more responsibilities. I also think she's really enjoying these new challenges which makes it even better for her. But I still must admit I’m looking forward to her retirement in four years so we can once again spend afternoons on new adventures.
While my friend had to return to work, I did not and decided to really take the entire afternoon off (a blessing). So, I picked up a combination pizza at the Northlake Tavern for dinner, returned home and used "on-demand" to bring up and watch several television programs that I hadn't had time to watch when they aired. Snuggled beneath my favorite throw, I participated in a Revolution, played with Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and joined the folks in the CSI lab to solve a 25-year-old mystery. Of course, being so comfortable, it did become impossible now and then to keep my eyes from slamming shut, but that's the nice thing about "on-demand" (even though I hate Comcast), I can always go back and pick up whatever I missed if I need to.
Now, the sun is shining again, so I think I'll run out and treat my straw bales with some more fertilizer and water. Another couple of weeks and I should be able to plant tomatoes, pumpkins and squash in them. After I finish that, it will be time to bake that scrumptious pizza, stuff myself and curl up beneath my comfy throw again.
How did retirement affect your friendships? Did you see any changes? Did you find it difficult to maintain contact with your previous co-workers?

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