Monday, June 16, 2014


As mentioned in my profile, I began a blog several years ago, made one post and quit. With this blog, I did much better…for a while. The problem is, I think, the title of my blog. So many topics I want to write about really have nothing to do with retirement or with it being a blessing or a curse.  

So, I’m a bit stumped when it comes to how I should handle this. I’d like to have a catchy blog title that would encourage people to read me. I’d like to have a blog title that would allow me to write about any subject that comes to mind. Is it possible to change the title of my current blog, or do I need to begin a new blog?
What kind of name should I choose in either case? I’d like it to be clever, interesting, fun, and allow me to be free to be me. 

Let’s see:  Musings From My Mind?  Daily Muse on my Shoulder? Free to be Me (bet that one’s taken)? With Love From Nana (in the hope my grandchildren benefit from whatever I blog)? Nana’s Natterings? Nana’s Chinwag? Paula’s Prattlings? Rabbit On About Nothing?  

So, would any of these pique your interest? Maybe not the Nana ones since readers might think I’m just an old lady rambling on about whatever (that may be true, but I’d like readers to read me before they make that decision). Paula’s Prattlings sounds okay and people might read just to see what I’m prattling about. The rabbit one might draw in rabbit lovers, but what about everyone else? 

Then, of course, once I’ve decided to change my blog name or create a new one, there’s the question of setting it up. I’ve used Blogspot for this one and the ones prior, but have an awful time getting the site to cooperate and allow me to design my blog the way I want, incorporate pictures and a bunch of other stuff I’d like to include that I see on other blogs. Maybe I should try Wordpress? Maybe I should get my own web site? Maybe I should just prattle on about stuff on my computer and not even consider sharing it with anyone, let alone the world should my blog become popular. I’d also like to know what I need to do to make my blog, whatever it becomes, popular. 

For now, I think I’ll post this on my current blog and see if anyone wants to comment or offer advice. It’s so discouraging when I check back to see that my post had no comments. I keep hoping someone will read it and be absolutely amazed or inspired to make a comment. Perhaps asking for advice on where to and how to blog on will result in some feedback…I’m certainly hoping so.

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